Monday, April 13, 2015


I interviewed queer students who gave us an insight into being queer in high school.

Alexis is genderqueer, Nate is FTM transgender, and Candice is a lesbian.

Q: What is it like being genderqueer?
A: Complicated for others, easier for me. I understand myself, it's harder to deal with the lack of acceptance and understanding from others. The most frustrating part is people's lack of willingness to learn or hear me out.
Q: How do you go about your relationship with Nate?
I've been dating Nate a long time, and when I first met him I wasn't sure about my gender or sexuality. I hadn't thought about it. I was really confused, but finally realized that I liked him. I realized that gender isn't as rigid and black and white as we think it is, and that allowed me to open up and learn more about myself. Sometimes I feel more masculine, sometimes more feminine, so Nate just calls me his "goyfriend", a mixture of girl and boyfriend. It's easier that way, and it's cute and clever. 

Q: What's the hardest part about being transgender in a high school?
A: How much my biological sex comes up on a daily basis. Having to write my name on papers, fill out forms, getting called on by unsupportive teachers who use my birth name. The weird stares I get and the whispers. Getting misgendered every day.
Q: What keeps you going?
A: Most of my friends are queer themselves, so I have a support group with me all day long. We all take care of each other. 

Q: How do you deal with not knowing if a girl you're interested is attracted to girls or not?
A: I am really open about my sexuality, so most girls know that I am gay already, or it comes up. Usually this leads to them opening up about their sexuality as well. It's all about communication, I speak up and the person speaks back.
Q: Have you ever had a problem with someone at school in terms of your sexuality?
A: Never directly, i'm sure people say things behind my back. I think my confidence scares them so I never receive direct abuse or bullying. The things that affect me is the general stuff, when I overhear people making homophobic remarks and stuff.

Friday, April 10, 2015


My Podcast Site › Embed Code — Podbean

Week 6 post 2

Here is our short film.
Crooked Teeth

Week 6 post 1

We finished filming. Our project is a big step for LGBTQ+ representation because typically the lgbt+ character is the "best friend" or the stock character. However in this film, the main character is the lgbt+ character. Also, she is a lesbian and she is not hypersexualized. Through our research we learned the stereotypes that are portrayed through lgbt+ representation, so we aimed to give our character a realistic personality.
We have permission to the song used in our film, as proved here:

Filming was extremely stressful, we didn't get all the shots we needed so it made it extremely difficult to put something together. We should've prepared better. The script was way too long we had to cut so much out so it was pretty choppy and i'm pretty disappointed. Editing is painful and also very stressful. I think our film covered a topic that's not much covered in media; the struggle of wondering if the person a gay person likes is straight or not. People don't usually wear signs around their necks stating their sexuality, and some people aren't even sure of their sexuality, so it's a difficult thing. It can be awkward or even dangerous. So this is a serious situation that is made into a humorous and light hearted short film in order to display a real experience for lgbt+ teens in a playful way. It definitely challenges the conventional media. It also shows a healthy lgbt+ teen who is not depressed. It's unconventional to see a confident queer teen in media. 

Friday, April 3, 2015

Week 5 post 2

I've been finalizing all the plans and making sure everything is confirmed and finalized and perfect. I am a little nervous that we are behind. The actor I want to play Wes isn't comfortable wearing lipstick which bums me out, but I don't know who else to ask to be in the film and I really want this actor. It's frustrating. So, I had to rewrite the script to take that part out. I am beginning to work on the reflection assignment in the form of a prezi.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Week 5 Post 1

 I AM VERY EXCITED TO ANNOUNCE THAT WE HAVE FINALLY FINISHED THE SCRIPT. It was scary to tell my partner that I pulled a jerk-move and changed the plot, characters, and basically everything without her permission. BUT, I cannot write about an abusive relationship. I have no motivation to do so. SO, I wrote about something I am VERY passionate about! LGBTQ+ stuff! And, I am really proud of what I came up with. I found the actors to play the roles and I will be playing Julia. I got permission to use a song that fits perfectly with what we want to do, and we have filming dates planned and everything planned out and i'm very excited.


opening: pulling teeth song while she is in her pajamas waking up getting out of bed, she sits at her desk and writes our names and stuff on a letter,

monologue internally while kit is getting dressed: Julia Edwards, her teeth are crooked,   her breath always smells like soup, and the size of her backpack makes 6th graders look normal. I’m totally into it.   She isn’t completely horrible.
There are some things I like about Julia, for instance, she’s a girl. And one time she touched my arm by accident in fifth period and I peed my pants a little but it didn't even bother me. And if that isn’t romance, I don’t know what is.

You see, i'm gay. You know, queer. A lipstick lesbian. And Julia, she's straight. You know, hetero. You know, plays for the other team? I mentioned that her breath smelled like soup, right? Well, Her hair smells like chicken. I don’t know what kind of shampoo and toothpaste she uses, but my guess is that they’re edible. And if I were to lay on a couch with her, watching some cheesy chick flick, I’d probably end up with some chicken soup, if you know what I mean.
So that’s what I call her, chicken soup. She probably calls me that weird lesbian who sits behind her in 5 th period, and if that’s true, well at least,   at least she calls me something.

Kit gets ready to walk out the door and tucks the letter under her bed: So, here I am, wondering if i'm ever going to get the courage to give her this dumb love letter.

-switch to hallway scene-
Wes: You just have to be straight up with her.
Kit: I’m gay
Wes: Thank you
Kit: I just need a way to be like “hey you’re pretty!” but I need to let her know I mean it in like, a gay way.
Wes: I got it! Say “wow you look so pretty today!” then be like “no homo. just kidding, super homo!”
Kit: Next time you have an idea, think about the idea, consider if it is worth saying, and then even if you think it is worth saying, don’t say it.
Wes: You’re such a supportive friend
Kit: How'd your day go? Your lipstick is powerful enough to lead an army by the way
Wes: Uh, I’m okay. Some dude shoved me in the halls and called me a fag for wearing lipstick
Kit: What'd you say?
Wes: does that cough thing ppl do before they say something important
Kit:  I wish people would understand that just because you wear lipstick it doesn't mean your gay. You just look awesome.
Wes: Dude, it's her.
Kit: Who?
Wes: *whispers* Chicken Soup
*approaches julia*
Kit: Julia! Do you have the notes? I wasn’t paying attention
Julia: Uh, yeah, I gotta meet someone for lunch though, can I give them to you tomorrow?
Wes: Why don’t you just text them to her?
Julia: Oh yeah. Here, type your info in! hands kit her phone
Kit gives wes a look
Kit: There ya go, I wrote kit kat as my name because my name is Kit, and I really like kit kats
Julia: I know
Kit: You know?
Julia: Yeah, you always leave the wrappers on the floor
Kit: oh, right, right. *awkward and somewhat staring at julia*
Wes: Well anyway, see ya later Julia starts to walk away
Julia: bye!
Kit: WES! what the heck did you make us leave for? We were totally having a moment
Wes: You were staring and you needed to seem cool and casual, and dude, clean up your wrappers! She’s a neat freak, there’s no way she’s into that!
Kit: Are you kidding? Did you see the size of her backpack? She probably has a vacumn cleaner in there. We’re perfect for each other.

Friday, March 27, 2015

Week four post 2

My biggest issue right now is trying to find music. I don't like any of the copyright free music i've found online and no local artists are answering my messages about working on something for this project. I've been spending spring break thinking about places we can shoot and working on finalizing and editing different versions of the script, I am waiting for feedback from my partner who is out and about during her spring break. I am a bit nervous about the sudden change of topic and storyline and genre. I am also nervous about how different this film would be, considering the surplus of LGBT+ characters and topics, which is absolutely unconventional. But that also excites me.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

week 4 post 1

I decided to change the plot and genre to comedy, because I found that this was an easier topic to write about, it's something I had an idea about and had inspiration to write for. It was exciting, and hopefully-funny. Also, with our previous idea it would be complicated to film in interesting locations and the shots would've been boring, and I had trouble coming up with a way to make it unique. This is much better. I am still adjusting the way I want this to go and revising the script.

Or a comedy about a gay girl trying to tell the girl she likes that she likes her in a gay way, not a straight way, 
keep the flower pot idea

Characters: Kit, Wes, (they/them) mom, dad

use my gay stuff in my room to decorate it

monologue internally while kit gets dressed: Julia Edwards, her nose is crooked,  her breath always smells like soup, and the size of her backpack makes 6th graders look normal. I’m totally into it.  She isn’t completely horrible.
There are some things I like about Julia, for instance, she’s a girl. And one time she touched my arm by accident in fifth period and I peed my pants a little. And if that isn’t romance, I don’t know what is.

You see, I am what they call a grade A lesbian, which is the only A grade I’m ever going to get as long as Julia Edwards sits in front of me in fifth period. I mentioned that her breath smelled like soup, right? Well, Her hair smells like chicken. I don’t know what kind of shampoo and toothpaste she uses, but my guess is that they’re edible. And if I were to lay on a couch with her, watching some cheesy chick flick, I’d probably end up with some chicken soup, if you know what I mean.
So that’s what I call her, chicken soup. She probably calls me that weird lesbian who sits behind her in 5th period, and if that’s true, well at least,  at least she calls me something.

-switch to hallway scene-
Wes: You just have to be straight up with her.
Kit: I’m gay
Wes: Thank you
Kit: I just need a way to be like “hey you’re pretty!” but I need to let her know I mean it in like, a gay way.
Wes: I got it! Say “wow you look so pretty today!” then be like “no homo. just kidding, super homo!”
Kit: Next time you have an idea, think about the idea, consider if it is worth saying, and then even if you think it is worth saying, don’t say it.
Wes: You’re such a supportive friend
Kit: How’re you doing by the way? Your lipstick is powerful enough to lead an army by the way
Wes: Uh, I’m okay. Some dude shoved me in the halls and called me a fag for wearing lipstick
Kit: What was your sick one-liner?
Wes: does that cough thing ppl do before they say something important
Kit: niiiice. I wish people would understand that just because you wear lipstick and  floral stuff doesn’t mean that you’re gay. It freaks me out that some people haven’t even heard the word gender fluid before.
Wes: D-d-dude, there she is.
Kit: Who? Oh SnAPPLE
Kit: Julia! Do you have the notes? I wasn’t paying attention
Julia: Uh, yeah, I gotta meet someone for lunch though, can I give them to you tomorrow?
Wes: Why don’t you just text them to her?
Julia: Oh yeah. Here, type your info in! hands kit her phone
Kit gives wes a look
Kit: There ya go, I wrote kit kat as my name because my name is Kit, and I really like kit kats
Julia: I know
Kit: You know?
Julia: Yeah, you always leave the wrappers on the floor
Kit: oh, right, right.
Wes: Well anyway, see ya later Julia starts to walk away
Julia: bye!
Kit: WES! what the heck did you make us leave for? We were totally having a moment
Wes: You were staring and you needed to seem cool and casual, and dude, clean up your wrappers! She’s a neat freak, there’s no way she’s into that!
Kit: Are you kidding? Did you see the size of her backpack? She probably has a vacumn cleaner in there. We’re perfect for each other.

**at home*

-nervously enters home, tries to do it quietly, looks scared-
Mother: Kit? Is that you?
Kit: clearly looks upset that she was caught Yeah
Mother: how was school?
Kit: under her breath very hetero, super straight, just the straightest.
Mother: what was that?
Kit: Nothing really happened today
Mother: Are you still hanging out with that cross dresser?
Kit: They aren’t a cross dresser
Mother: Well then what’s going on with that kid?
Kit: They’re gender fluid, sometimes they wear skirts and lipstick, sometimes they wear beanies and “boy clothes”. Even though clothes don’t really have a gender…
Mother: Is Wes a boy or a girl?
Kit: Sometimes Wes identifies as more masculine, sometimes they feel more feminine. Sometimes they feel like neither, or both.
Mother: Does Wes have a penis or a Vagina?
Kit: Does it matter?
Mother: Yes, yes it does.
Kit: Why?
Mother : I want to know what kind of people you’re hanging out with
Kit: Are people defined by their genitilia? Why haven’t you asked me about any of my other friends genitilia? You could call wes’s parents and ask, if you think that’s appropriate.
Mother: I am asking you.
Kit: And that was my answer. Wes is gender fluid, and Wes uses “they pronouns” and Wes is smart, nice, and cool and I am absolutely positively hanging out with Wes.
Kit starts to walk away
Mother: come back here
Kit: and they wear their lipstick better than you do!

Friday, March 20, 2015

Week 3 post 2

My biggest issue is trying to develop the characters in such a way that this storyline is unique. The concept of an abusive relationship has been done before, so I want to give it a different feeling or mode of telling the story. Another issue is the lack of places we have to tell the story, we can shoot at my partner's house or at school. I have no experience writing scripts, so i'm trying my best with that. We wanted to make it unique by telling the story in the eyes of the abuser, but i'm having trouble indicating that. Today will be spent revising the script until it's complete.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Week 3 post 1

This week we have been focused on writing the script as well as planning the scenes and what they should look like. Josefina researched photos to represent certain shots we'd like to create, such as an image of a messy room of someone who is depressed or distressed.  I will be posting our progress of the script in my next post, and we should have it finished in a few days. Then we will send it to the actors that we've contacted, Tess and Caleb, so they can begin memorizing it. I've been searching for copyright free music to use in our  beginning scene, but haven't had any luck so far. I am going to ask my friend Simona to create a piece via the ukelele.

Friday, March 13, 2015

Week 2 second posting

Our classmate Shivani suggested this website for planning :

We decided on doing a film opening about an abusive relationship.

We researched methods of abuse in relationships such as gaslighting, with a source used above ^

Then we planned out possibilities for our opening scene:

opening scene:
Katrina and Wes

opening like napoleon dynamite: different colorful background, pretty flowers in vase, then pushed new one then pushed off then new one then pushed off, while credits, Then THE Doorbell and the door.

doorbell, door opens, nobody is there, flowers in a vase at her doorstep, she picks them up and her sleeves fall down, revealing bruises and scars,  and a note that says "sorry about last night , I love you Kit Kat", she brings the flowers to a windowsill where the same vase and same flowers are there, wilted and dead, and she replaces them (indicating this has happened before).  *mellow music playing*

then she sighs and goes to her room and crawls into bed and turns off the lights and sets the alarm for the next day. closeup of her turning on the alarm clock for tomorrow, then it is the same shot of him turning on an alarm clock, (like the apple idea)

 We are planning to begin writing the script this weekend and we've begun casting actors.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Week 2 First posting

We had more ideas for our film opening, the two new ideas are:
A dangerous drug experience that is juxtaposed with a happy quirky fun opening similar to that of Napoleon Dynamite with the food. We'd have birthday gifts/birthday wrapping/etc. and introduce the idea that the story takes place during the time of a birthday. Then we will elaborate showing the birthday of a young teenage girl. The birthday party would be juxtaposed with a soon to be frightening situation. The young girl decides to celebrate with her two best friends, so they do so by having a peaceful picnic by a lake in the woods. One of the girls brings a drug (not sure which one yet), and they decide to take it, unaware of the effects. It is unclear that this film is a drama/scary film until the horror begins. As one of the girl begins to "trip out" she experiences intense hallucinations that put the group of girls in danger. The crisis becomes more serious as they struggle to restrain her, it becomes dark, the girls panic and try to decide how to handle the situation, and they all begin to fall into the trip. It would be extremely intense and dramatic, including scenes where the girl has a conversation with "the devil", begs to be killed to end the pain, and tries to beat up her friends because she thinks she is in another place.

Another idea would be:
an abusive relationship told from an unconventional perspective: that of the abuser. Some abusers don't know that they are abusers. We would highlight this notion.

We did a lot of research on abusive relationships and drug experiences and we're still deciding which idea we like more.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Week 1 - Second Posting

I told Josefina that I wanted to have an LGBT+ character if possible. I am a member of the LGBT+ community as well as an activist for equal rights. I think it's important to include representation, and if I have the ability to create an LGBT+ character, I will do everything in my power to do that. The request for the song "Neopolitan Dreams" didn't go through, but I still would like to base our film off that quirky feel. Josefina suggested something quirky like a "Wes Anderson film". I've never seen a Wes Anderson film, but i've seen a few openings, and I understand what she means. I've always wanted to see a Wes Anderson film though. I came up with the possibility of a story with the title like "Meet ___" (gender neutral name). The story would be about a genderqueer character who goes through life encountering simple and everyday situations where ones gender is brought up. This is to raise awareness about how much gender plays a role in society, and raise awareness about the LGBT+ community. There are more and more lesbian and gay characters in media, but very little light is shown on the transgender (genderqueer) community. Therefore, this is a great opportunity to present a genderqueer character. I was also inspired by an SNL skit where many people tried to guess the gender of a character by asking them questions like "where do you shop " and "oh are you in a relationship" in order to try to figure them out. This character was very androgynous looking, and it was impossible to determine their gender. Similarly, the viewers of our film opening will be unsure whether our character is a "boy" or a "girl", which can be light hearted and interesting as we present the overall plot of a genderqueer character. We can show them going through simple everyday things but how those simple everyday things are different because of the characters gender, or lack of, or mixture of, etc. It's an interesting idea i'd like to build on and consider. It isn't set and stone, but it's a start. I have a gender fluid friend in mind for the role of the character. We're still considering more ideas for our film opening though.


My group consists of my partner Josefina and myself. We had the bad luck of being present and absent on opposite days of school (I was absent when she was present, vice versa), and therefore our communication has been a little off regarding the beginning of our brainstorming process. We decided we wanted our film opening to be "feel-good", lighthearted, and somewhere in the quirky comedy genre. We decided that we wanted to base the music off the feel that the song "Neopolitan Dreams" by Lisa Mitchell gave us, something somewhat mystical and fun. I am trying to get the rights to Neopolitan Dreams, and it's stressful trying to contact the record label. I have to fill out a form that will take 2-3 weeks to process so that obviously won't work. I think i'll ask a friend to write and produce some music for our film instead.