Thursday, March 5, 2015

Week 1 - Second Posting

I told Josefina that I wanted to have an LGBT+ character if possible. I am a member of the LGBT+ community as well as an activist for equal rights. I think it's important to include representation, and if I have the ability to create an LGBT+ character, I will do everything in my power to do that. The request for the song "Neopolitan Dreams" didn't go through, but I still would like to base our film off that quirky feel. Josefina suggested something quirky like a "Wes Anderson film". I've never seen a Wes Anderson film, but i've seen a few openings, and I understand what she means. I've always wanted to see a Wes Anderson film though. I came up with the possibility of a story with the title like "Meet ___" (gender neutral name). The story would be about a genderqueer character who goes through life encountering simple and everyday situations where ones gender is brought up. This is to raise awareness about how much gender plays a role in society, and raise awareness about the LGBT+ community. There are more and more lesbian and gay characters in media, but very little light is shown on the transgender (genderqueer) community. Therefore, this is a great opportunity to present a genderqueer character. I was also inspired by an SNL skit where many people tried to guess the gender of a character by asking them questions like "where do you shop " and "oh are you in a relationship" in order to try to figure them out. This character was very androgynous looking, and it was impossible to determine their gender. Similarly, the viewers of our film opening will be unsure whether our character is a "boy" or a "girl", which can be light hearted and interesting as we present the overall plot of a genderqueer character. We can show them going through simple everyday things but how those simple everyday things are different because of the characters gender, or lack of, or mixture of, etc. It's an interesting idea i'd like to build on and consider. It isn't set and stone, but it's a start. I have a gender fluid friend in mind for the role of the character. We're still considering more ideas for our film opening though.

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