I decided to change the plot and genre to comedy, because I found that this was an easier topic to write about, it's something I had an idea about and had inspiration to write for. It was exciting, and hopefully-funny. Also, with our previous idea it would be complicated to film in interesting locations and the shots would've been boring, and I had trouble coming up with a way to make it unique. This is much better. I am still adjusting the way I want this to go and revising the script.
Or a comedy about a gay girl trying to tell the girl she
likes that she likes her in a gay way, not a straight way,
keep the flower pot idea
Characters: Kit, Wes, (they/them) mom, dad
use my gay stuff in my room to decorate it
monologue internally while kit gets dressed: Julia Edwards,
her nose is crooked, her breath always
smells like soup, and the size of her backpack makes 6th graders
look normal. I’m totally into it. She
isn’t completely horrible.
There are some things I like about Julia, for instance,
she’s a girl. And one time she touched my arm by accident in fifth period and I
peed my pants a little. And if that isn’t romance, I don’t know what is.
You see, I am what they call a grade A lesbian, which is the
only A grade I’m ever going to get as long as Julia Edwards sits in front of me
in fifth period. I mentioned that her breath smelled like soup, right? Well,
Her hair smells like chicken. I don’t know what kind of shampoo and toothpaste
she uses, but my guess is that they’re edible. And if I were to lay on a couch
with her, watching some cheesy chick flick, I’d probably end up with some
chicken soup, if you know what I mean.
So that’s what I call her, chicken soup. She probably calls
me that weird lesbian who sits behind her in 5th period, and if
that’s true, well at least, at least she
calls me something.
-switch to hallway scene-
Wes: You just have to be straight up with her.
Kit: I’m gay
Wes: Thank you
Kit: I just need a way to be like “hey you’re pretty!” but I
need to let her know I mean it in like, a gay way.
Wes: I got it! Say “wow you look so pretty today!” then be
like “no homo. just kidding, super homo!”
Kit: Next time you have an idea, think about the idea,
consider if it is worth saying, and then even if you think it is worth saying,
don’t say it.
Wes: You’re such a supportive friend
Kit: How’re you doing by the way? Your lipstick is powerful
enough to lead an army by the way
Wes: Uh, I’m okay. Some dude shoved me in the halls and
called me a fag for wearing lipstick
Kit: What was your sick one-liner?
Wes: does that cough thing ppl do before they say
something important
Kit: niiiice. I wish people would understand that just
because you wear lipstick and floral
stuff doesn’t mean that you’re gay. It freaks me out that some people haven’t
even heard the word gender fluid before.
Wes: D-d-dude, there she is.
Kit: Who? Oh SnAPPLE
Kit: Julia! Do you have the notes? I wasn’t paying attention
Julia: Uh, yeah, I gotta meet someone for lunch though, can
I give them to you tomorrow?
Wes: Why don’t you just text them to her?
Julia: Oh yeah. Here, type your info in! hands kit her
Kit gives wes a look
Kit: There ya go, I wrote kit kat as my name because my name
is Kit, and I really like kit kats
Julia: I know
Kit: You know?
Julia: Yeah, you always leave the wrappers on the floor
Kit: oh, right, right.
Wes: Well anyway, see ya later Julia starts to walk away
Julia: bye!
Kit: WES! what the heck did you make us leave for? We were
totally having a moment
Wes: You were staring and you needed to seem cool and casual,
and dude, clean up your wrappers! She’s a neat freak, there’s no way she’s into
Kit: Are you kidding? Did you see the size of her backpack?
She probably has a vacumn cleaner in there. We’re perfect for each other.
**at home*
-nervously enters home, tries to do it quietly, looks
Mother: Kit? Is that you?
Kit: clearly looks upset that she was caught Yeah
Mother: how was school?
Kit: under her breath very hetero, super straight,
just the straightest.
Mother: what was that?
Kit: Nothing really happened today
Mother: Are you still hanging out with that cross dresser?
Kit: They aren’t a cross dresser
Mother: Well then what’s going on with that kid?
Kit: They’re gender fluid, sometimes they wear skirts and
lipstick, sometimes they wear beanies and “boy clothes”. Even though clothes
don’t really have a gender…
Mother: Is Wes a boy or a girl?
Kit: Sometimes Wes identifies as more masculine, sometimes
they feel more feminine. Sometimes they feel like neither, or both.
Mother: Does Wes have a penis or a Vagina?
Kit: Does it matter?
Mother: Yes, yes it does.
Kit: Why?
Mother : I want to know what kind of people you’re hanging
out with
Kit: Are people defined by their genitilia? Why haven’t you
asked me about any of my other friends genitilia? You could call wes’s parents
and ask, if you think that’s appropriate.
Mother: I am asking you.
Kit: And that was my answer. Wes is gender fluid, and Wes
uses “they pronouns” and Wes is smart, nice, and cool and I am absolutely
positively hanging out with Wes.
Kit starts to walk away
Mother: come back here
Kit: and they wear their lipstick better than you do!